21 November 2022
Both organisations now calling on other businesses, funders and charities to join them in empowering young people
Co-op and the Co-op Foundation have joined forces to sign the #iwill Movement’s Power of Youth Charter and commit to giving young people real opportunities to shape future, fairer communities.
The retailer is working with young people to make a difference on the issues impacting the safety and fairness of communities and create fairer access to opportunities. Its charter commitments were signed by CEO, Shirine Khoury-Haq.
Meanwhile, its charity, the Co-op Foundation, has committed to giving diverse young people a voice in future funding decisions and driving positive change through campaigns informed by young people. CEO Nick Crofts has signed for the Foundation.
Both organisations are now encouraging other businesses, funders and charities to follow in their footsteps and sign the Power of Youth Charter, too.
The Power of Youth Charter is a UK-wide collaborative effort by businesses, charities and funders to recognise young people for their efforts, empower more young people to make a difference, and give young people opportunities to shape their future. It is co-ordinated by the #iwill Movement.